Friday, April 07, 2006

"Now, George, say you're sorry"--Words Never Uttered by Barb Bush

You know, for someone with such alleged humility, Mr. Bush sure doesn't know how to accept the idea that he could be wrong (that or he thinks we're all dumb enough to believe him if he tells the same lie over and over). Mr. Bush, you went over heads to institute this wire tapping, you broke rules and custom, and you were wrong to do this. We ALL know this, even you.

You're avoiding the issue, Mr. President. Yes, you can refuse to apologize because you think you can justify your wire tapping, especially by using the terms "terrrorist" or "al-Qaida." You can refuse. But you need to understand that this refusal to admit your wrong doing and to apologize to the people for overstepping your bounds and then fibbing sends some pretty wicked messages.

So, basically, when you stand there and give this kind of speech, this is what we REALLY hear.

1. "Men in power can lie as needed. I'm a man in power. I can lie whenever I must to save my own ass."
2. "If I figure out a way to scare people, I can use that fear to justify what I do, even when I know (or later find out) that I am wrong."
3. "I'm never wrong."
4. "Presidents rule the world, especially me. I can make choices without planning ahead or getting permission."
5. " I protect my own people (his cronies, not the American people), until they get caught, and then I simply explain that I had no idea they were so bad" (Hmm. Sounds a bit like daddy Bush about Iran Contra).
6. And, I'm out of here in a couple years, so who cares if the world blows up. As long as Texas is on the map, everything goes."


BEAST FCD said...

Bush is the worst simian ever to rule the white house.

I do hope that Americans will stop voting for Republicans. They only serve the rich and powerful, at the expense of everyone else.

breakerslion said...

Top Secret Republican Motto Declassified:

"Say anything. Get elected."

It looks a lot classier in Latin.

Dena Braves said...

Well said, Circe. If you have a chance, you might appreciate this article on impeachment in my blog.